SynMicBio Lab SIUC
Peer-reviewed articles
Jayasekara S, Joni D, Jayantha B, Dissanayake L, Mandrell C, Sinharage MMS, Molitor R, Jayasekara T, Sivakumar P, Jayakody LN*., Trends in in-silico guided engineering of efficient polyethylene terephthalate (PET) hydrolyzing enzymes to enable bio-recycling and upcycling of PET. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2023,21, 3513-3521; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2023.06.004
Kolitha BS, Jayasekara SK, Tannenbaum R, Jasiuk IM, Jayakody LN*., Repurposing of waste PET by microbial biotransformation to functionalized materials for additive manufacturing. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology,
Special Collection: Symposium on Biomaterials, Fuels and Chemicals: 2022, 50, kuad010; https://doi.org/10.1093/jimb/kuad010
Jayasekara S, Dissanayake, L, Jayakody, L. N*., Opportunities in the microbial valorization of sugar industrial organic waste to biodegradable smart food packaging materials. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2022, 377, 109785, 377, 109785, : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2022.109785
Lynd LR, Beckham GT, Davison BH, Guss AM, Jayakody LN, Karp E, Laser MS, Maranas C, McCormick RL, Ng CY, Tuskan GA, Vardon DR, Wyman CE. Toward low-cost biological and hybrid biological/catalytic conversion of cellulosic biomass to fuels. Energy and Environmental science. 2022, : DOI: 10.1039/d1ee02540f
Jayakody, L. N.*, Chinmoy, B.; Turner, T. L., Trends in valorization of highly-toxic lignocellulosic biomass derived-compounds via engineered microbes. Bioresource Technology 2022, 126614.
Usmani, Z.; Sharma, M.; Diwan, D.; Tripathi, M.; Whale, E.; Jayakody, L. N.; Moreau, B.; Thakur, V. K.; Tuohy, M.; Gupta, V. K., Valorization of Sugar Beet Pulp to Value-Added Products: A Review. Bioresource Technology 2021, 126580.
Kayastha, S.; Sagwan-Barkdoll, L.; Anterola, A.; Jayakody, L. N*., Developing synthetic microbes to produce indirubin-derivatives. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 2021, 37, 102162.
Henson, W. R.; Meyers, A. W.; Jayakody, L. N.; DeCapite, A.; Black, B. A.; Michener, W. E.; Johnson, C. W.; Beckham, G. T., Biological upgrading of pyrolysis-derived wastewater: Engineering Pseudomonas putida for alkylphenol, furfural, and acetone catabolism and (methyl) muconic acid production. Metabolic Engineering 2021, 68, 14-25.
Dissanayake, L.; Jayakody, L. N*., Engineering Microbes to Bio-Upcycle Polyethylene Terephthalate. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 2021, 9.
Jayakody, L. N*.; Jin, Y.-S., In-depth understanding of molecular mechanisms of aldehyde toxicity to engineer robust Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2021, 1-18.
Li WJ, Jayakody LN, Franden MA, Wehrmann M, Duan T, Hauer B, Beckham GT, Klebensberger JA, Wierckx N. Laboratory evolution reveals the metabolic and regulatory basis of ethylene glycol metabolism by Pseudomonas putida KT2440.(2019). Environmental microbiology, 21(10), 3669–3682.
Turner TL, Lane S, Jayakody LN, Zhang GC, Kim H, Cho W, Jin YS (2019), Deletion of JEN1 and ADY2 reduces lactic acid yield from an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in xylose medium, expressing a heterologous lactate dehydrogenase, FEMS yeast research, 19:1567-1356.
Jayakody LN, Liu JJ, Yun EU, Turner TL, Oh EJ, Jin YS (2018). Direct conversion of cellulose into ethanol and ethyl-β-D-glucoside via engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 115(12):2859-2868
Jayakody LN, Turner TL, Liu JJ, Kong II, Jin YS. (2018). Gre2p expression in engineered xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae improved tolerance to glycolaldehyde during xylose metabolism. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 102(18):8121-8133.
Franden MA, Jayakody LN*, Li WJ, Seiler S, Hauer B, Blank L, Klebensberger J, Beckham GT, Wierckx N (2018). Engineering Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for efficient ethylene glycol utilization. Metabolic Engineering. 48:197-207. (* First author equal contributor)
Jayakody LN, Johnson CW, Whitham JM, Giannone RJ, Black B, Cleveland NS, Klingeman DM, Michener WE, Olstad JL, Vardon DR, Brown RC, Brown SD, Hettich RL, Guss AM, Beckham GT (2018), Thermochemical wastewater valorization via enhanced microbial toxicity tolerance. Energy & Environmental Science, 11: 1625-1638 (*Selected as 2018 Energy and Environmental Science HOT Articles)
Jayakody LN, Ferdouse J, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2017). Identification and detoxification of glycolaldehyde, an unattended bioethanol fermentation inhibitor. Critical Review in Biotechnology, 37(2):177-189.
Liu JJ, Kong II, Zhang GC, Jayakody LN, Kim H, Xia PF, Kwak S, Sung BH, Sohn JH, Walukiewicz HE, Rao CV, Jin YS (2016). Metabolic Engineering of Probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii. Applied and Environment Microbiology, 82(8):2280-2287.
Jayakody LN, Lane S, Kim H, Jin YS. (2016). Mitigating health risks associated with alcoholic beverages through metabolic engineering. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 37:173-181.
Xia PF, Turner TL, Jayakody LN* (2016). The Role of GroE chaperonins in developing biocatalysts for biofuel and chemical production. Enzyme Engineering, 5 (3), 153. (* corresponding author)
Notonier S, Meyers A, Jayakody LN* (2016). An overview of P450 enzymes: opportunity and challenges in industrial applications, Enzyme Engineering, 5 (3), 152 (* corresponding author)
Sawada K, Sato T, Hamajima H, Jayakody LN, Hirata M, Yamashiro M, Tajima M, Mitsutake S, Nagao K, Tsuge K, Abe F, Hanada K, Kitagaki H (2015). Glucosylceramide contained in mold-cultured cereal confers membrane and flavor modification and stress tolerance to yeast during co-culture fermentation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81: 3688-3698.
Jayakody LN, Kadowaki M, Tsuge K, Horie K, Suzuki A, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2015). SUMO expression shortens the lag phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast growth caused by complex interactive effects of major mixed fermentation inhibitors found in hot-compressed water-treated lignocelluloses hydrolysate. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99: 501-515. (Alltech young scientist award 2013, Renewable Energy Global Innovation, 2015)
Jayakody LN, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2015). Breeding of bioethanol yeast by detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a novel fermentation inhibitor. Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Application for Industrial Brewing and Fermentation. Springer, Chapter1, pp: 3-23.
Shiroma S, Jayakody LN, Horie K, Okamoto K, Kitagaki H (2014). Enhancement of ethanol fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake yeast strain by disrupting mitophagy function. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80:1002-1012.
Jayakody LN, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2014). Biotechnology and Bioinformatics- Currents trends and Future prospective, Identification of a novel fermentation inhibitor of bioethanol production, glycolaldehyde, and engineering of a resistant yeast strain toward it. Chapter 9, pp:232-246.
Hiroshi K, Tan H, Jayakody LN (2013). Analysis of the role of mitochondria of sake yeast during sake brewing and its applications in fermentation technologies. AGri- Bioscience Monographs 3:1-12.
Jayakody LN, Horie K, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2013). Engineering redox cofactor utilization for detoxification of glycolaldehyde, a key inhibitor of bioethanol production, in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97: 6589-6600.
Jayakody LN, Tsuge K, Suzuki A, Shimoi H, Kitagaki H (2013). Identification of sulphate ion as one of the key components of yeast spoilage of a sports drink through genome-wide expression analysis. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 59: 227-238.
Kitagaki H, Jayakody LN, Hayashi N (2013). Breeding of a yeast strain resistant to hot-compressed water-treated lignocelluloses by detoxification of a fermentation inhibitors, glycolaldehyde. Bioscience and Industry 71:155-156.
Jayakody LN, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2013). Material and process for energy: communicating current research and technology development, A. Mendez-Vilas (Ed.), Molecular mechanisms for detoxification of major aldehyde inhibitors for production of bioethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae from hot-compressed water- treated lignocellulose, FORMATEX RESEARCH CENTER, Badajoz, Spain, pp: 302-311
Hirata H, Tsuge K, Jayakody LN, Urano Y, Sawada K, Inaba S, Nagao K, Kitagaki H (2012). Structural determination of glucosylceramides in the distillation remnants of shochu, the Japanese traditional liquor, and its production Aspergillus kawachii. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60:11473-11482. Link
Jayakody LN, Horie K, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2012). Improvement of Saccharamyces cerevisiae to hot-compressed water treated cellulose by expression of ADH1. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 94: 273-283. (Key scientific Article in Renewable Energy Global Innovation (REGI)2012).
Jayakody LN, Hayashi N, Kitagaki H (2011). Identification of glycolaldehyde as the key inhibitor of bioethanol fermentation by yeast and genome-wide analysis of its toxicity. Biotechnology Letters 33: 285-292.
US patent application 2023, No. US 63/539,644.
Engineered microbial monoculture to convert caffeine to 7-methylxanthine
International patent application PCT/US 2022/043646 (International publication# WO2023/043913 A1)
Engineered microbes for the production of biopolymers from OHD-derived organic carbon
US patent application 2022, No. US 63/437,051.
System for the production of food products from engineered microbes
US patent application 2021, No. US 62/671,477.
Engineered to deconstruct PET and convert PET into value-added chemicals
US Patent (2021): 11,021,721
Genetically engineered Pseudomonas strains capable of metabolizing ethylene glycol and its metabolic intermediates
US Patent (2020): 16,258,255
Biocatalysts for conversion of thermochemical waste streams
Worldwide application (2019): PCT/US2019/032480.
Engineered microorganisms for the deconstruction of polymers
International patent PCT/JP 2014/079090
high tolerant yeast strain to the complex inhibitory stress of lignocelluloses hydrolysate through targeting SUMO-dependent ubiquitin system, manufacture the microbe and the method to produce ethanol using the microbes
Japan Open Gazzette 2013-246294
Jayakody LN, Nobuyuki H, Kitagaki H. Microbe which is tolerant to lignocellulose hydrolysate, the method to manufacture the microbe and the method to produce ethanol using the microbes.